Our promise to you

Since sustainable success depends on a healthy, motivated workforce, we are committed to complying with or exceeding international Health, Safety & Environment and Social Responsibility standards wherever we operate.
Our goal is to do our part to protect the health and safety of our employees and contractors, as well as to preserve and protect the environment and the communities in which we work and live.
Our defining policies have been developed from the best practices of other leaders in the field and we expect our suppliers and partners to share the same values and objectives.
Calima also wishes to apply uniformly high standards to all our activities, even when local laws do not require it.
Our HSEQ performance will be routinely monitored and reported regularly to the Board of Directors of Calima, who will ensure that the necessary commitment and resources are provided to fully support this Policy.
ESTMA Reporting
Fostering Transparency and Anti-Corruption
On June 1, 2015, the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (“the Act”) was brought into effect by the Canadian government. The Act requires companies in the business of the commercial development of crude oil, natural gas and minerals, such as Blackspur, to publicly disclose, on an annual basis, specific payments made to all governments in Canada and abroad. Effective fiscal 2018, Blackspur was required to report under the Act.
We recognize that conducting our business in a responsible, ethical and respectful way requires a commitment to transparency with our stakeholders. We believe reporting payments to governments is an important way to increase trust with our stakeholders. The ESTMA report provides an overview of the payments made to governments by Blackspur that are related to the development of crude oil and natural gas.
The Act is one of the ways Canada is delivering on its international commitment to contribute to global efforts to increase transparency and deter corruption in the extractive sector.
Environmental Policy
Concern for the environment is of utmost importance to Calima and it is our policy to avoid or reduce potential environmental impact through our activities. We will:
- protect the natural environment, biodiversity and ecosystem services
- foster open communication on our environmental performance
- systematically manage and monitor environmental performance
- continuously improve our environmental performance
- have environmental considerations integrated into all our business processes.
Social And Community Policy
Calima is built on values which establish and guide our actions. We will:
- conduct our business in a socially responsible, transparent and ethical manner
- engage with our stakeholders and local communities
- consider the social impacts that our projects, activities and supply chain could have within the countries and communities that we operate
- consider the health, safety and security of the local communities where we operate
- respect the law, aim to protect the local environment and benefit the local communities where we work
- promote and maintain good relations with the local communities and authorities
- act in a manner consistent with the applicable laws of the country in which we operate or have working interest and being mindful of applicable international standards and practice
- expect employees and contractors to conduct themselves in a manner that takes into account community aspirations and sensitivities.
Indigenous Inclusion Policy
Calima Energy Ltd. values its relationship with Indigenous communities throughout our operating areas. While acknowledging and respecting the unique rights, customs and traditions of each Indigenous community whom we interact with, we seek to build a relationship based on trust and honesty. Calima’s commitment to our relationships are influenced by the spirit of reconciliation, with a desire to partner in responsible development. Our relationship commitments are focused on, but not limited to, the areas of Engagement, Cultural Understanding, Business Inclusion and Work Force Participation. We will:
- work with Indigenous communities to provide information about our proposed developments early in the process, in a culturally relevant manner, while respecting community protocols. Feedback from communities on our projects will be part of our planning and execution decisions, with a goal to mitigate concerns and develop quality projects
- seek opportunities to learn about the culture of the Indigenous communities we work with, in order to continuously build a relationship of trust
- include Indigenous businesses who meet our contracting requirements, in both our project and operational supplier considerations. All contractors who perform work for Calima, will be asked to support our inclusion efforts by involving Indigenous businesses in their contracting needs
- collaborate with Indigenous communities and their members to understand their workforce ambitions, seeking sustainable opportunities associated with our operations and beyond. Through collaboration with communities and working with industry peers and government agencies, areas of capacity support will be identified and addressed.
Safety Policy
Calima knows safety is good business. Our policy on safety is to ensure that:
- we minimise the risk of injuries and occupational illnesses
- all operating exposure to risk is controlled
- working safely is a condition of employment
- workers’ rights and welfare is paramount
- people are the most important element in managing safety so we will ensure that all personnel, whether employees or contractors are properly trained
- safety performance will be monitored and audited
- all deficiencies will be corrected promptly.
Security Policy
The security and safety of our personnel and communities in which we operate is of priority and takes precedence in the management of our operations. Creating a safer working environment requires careful planning and policy implementation but also discipline from each individual person. We will:
- ensure appropriate security arrangements and procedures are in place to protect our personnel and assets and that these are implemented in accordance with relevant human rights principles that avoids or minimises risks to the local communities
- provide structured approach to protecting personnel, information and assets by recognising and respecting local laws, customs, cultural sensitivities and awareness to sensitive local situations
- ensure all personnel know and understand their security responsibilities.
Health Policy
Our occupational health programme will protect employees from hazards that may arise within the workplace and the working environment. Calima will be active in health promotion, aiming at preventing health risks associated with general work environment and lifestyle. Our policy on health is to ensure:
- a good working environment for the employee
- clear personnel policy in relation to health
- the avoidance of any illnesses which could be related to the work performed.
Travel Policy
The safety, security and health of our personnel is of priority and takes precedence. Our aim is to minimise as much as possible the impact of travel related ill-health and safety risks and ensure that all international travellers (e.g. visitors, secondees and contractors) are adequately informed before travel, which includes ensuring correct visas have been arranged. Prior to each travel, information will be provided to travellers to include information on the country being visited, jet lag, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), food safety, relevant community health hazards (including infectious diseases), local security and safety threats and emergency procedures.
Anti-Bribery Policy And Corruption
Calima is committed to transparency in all of our business dealings and has a well-developed Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Policy.
All directors of Calima are committed to carrying out our business fairly, honestly and openly wherever we carry on business in the world. We expect all individuals working for us to adopt the same culture of professionalism and integrity in their dealings on Calima’s behalf, and to assist Calima to implement and enforce ABAC systems.
Rejecting bribery and corruption is critical for our reputation as a successful international E&P operating company. Shareholder and market confidence in our ability to operate in line with our legal obligations across the globe is key to our business. As such Calima has a zero tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption by employees, directors, consultants, contractors, agents or anyone else acting on Calima’s behalf globally.